I Drank Amazing Greens Powder for a Month. Here’s Why I’d Do It Again
There is something so empowering about being regular.
There is something so empowering about being regular.
Amazing Grass Green Blend is a highly efficient way to get your daily blend of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and pre/probiotics. It eliminates the need to take multiple vitamins and supplements, and keeps you regular. Consider it a perfect solution for picky eaters and travelers alike.
Our product recommendations are selected by editors, tested first-hand, or expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site.
Gut health is a buzz word even I sometimes roll my eyes at. It’s one thing to read about it, and entirely different to experience firsthand. Amazing Grass is a brand of mindfully crafted nutritious green powder blends and plant-based protein. The core of this brand is their farm-fresh grasses (think wheat grass, barley grass, and alfalfa grass) which are included in all ten of their Greens Blends. From energy to antioxidants, each Greens Blend includes a careful mix of organic antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and active cultures to support your health goals.
And when I say farm fresh, I mean it. The co-founder of Amazing Grass is a third generation organic farmer. His family grows and harvests highly nutritious, non-GMO, certified organic grass for all Amazing Grass products. Unlike edible grasses grown in containers for commercial juice bars, Amazing Grass is grown outside, allowing their roots to grow deeper and soak up the most nutrition. It’s their differentiator. And as the greens powder market grows—thanks to and beyond AG1 and alternatives to AG1—it’s important for brands to have, well, reasons to exist. I tried Amazing Grass to see how it stacks up.
Hone Health is a team of health-obsessed journalists, editors, fitness junkies, medical reviewers, and product testers. To ensure we deliver honest, research-backed information we put Amazing Grass Superfood Greens Blend to the test for weeks before reporting. We even took it on the road to see if it stood the test of travel belly woes.
The Greens Powder I’ve been using for the past few weeks is one of their flagship, best-selling products. It’s made with Amazing Grass hallmark alkalizing farm fresh greens, as well as wholesome fruits and veggies and superfoods providing one simple solution for your daily vitamin intake. Here’s the scoop (pun intended).
Whether you’re like me and have a cabinet full of vitamins and minerals (and secretly use one of those Grandpa pill containers to stay organized) or are simply looking for an easy way to increase your daily nutrients, you’ll appreciate this product. One scoop has vitamins A, C, K, as well as minerals like calcium, potassium and iron. Not to mention their prized grass blend. I’ve replaced a lot of my daily vitamin capsules with this product, saving me time, money, and space in my kitchen. It’s also kind of a no-brainer, especially for picky eaters, and those who don’t regularly cook. That said, no greens powder is a substitute for eating fruits and vegetables.
Since taking this product, I’ve found daily regularity, almost to the hour. It’s glorious. Hat tip to the 668mg of fiber and 426mg of their pre/probiotic digestive enzyme blend. The idea that my gut is so clearly happy motivates me to keep up the routine. Dare I say I even have a bit more energy throughout the day? I imagine the Greens Blend would be super helpful for those who suffer from constipation. And while I’m not a big fan of the “cheat day” mentality, a scoop of this would go a long way after a heavy meal.
All of their Greens Blends come in 30 or 100-serving containers. I also found that this blend comes in single-serving packets. On my latest road trip, I decided to bring a box of 15 individual Superfood Greens Blend packs. At home, I usually cook all my meals, but I knew I was in for car snacks, quick meals, and eating out. The idea of getting backed up on day three and dealing with travel constipation made me anxious. These packets kept me on track and regular the whole 1,000+ miles. Not only was I supplementing the nutrients I needed, I was supporting my immune system. Long hikes, cold weather, and the plane ride back home—nothing could catch me.
You’re not not drinking green powder in water. You know? In fact, if you add Greens Blend to cool or room temperature water, you may even be drinking little mouthfuls of grainy, undissolved powder. I found it dissolved best into lukewarm water, kind of like a tea in the morning. And I guess I’m a masochist because instead of integrating the powder I’ve just been chugging it daily. Apparently it can be mixed into smoothies, salad dressing, soups and more.
If you’ve ever had a wheatgrass shot, you know it’s a bit of an acquired taste. For those new to the grass game, the taste is definitely something to get used to or mask. I wasn’t quite looking forward to the flavor of my daily scoop of Greens Blend, but unlike other green powders I’ve tried in the past, it’s pretty mild and doesn’t taste like seaweed. I’d liken it to a sweet matcha. One that I kind of power through instead of savor. Amazing Grass offers a few flavors, like sweet berry, lemon lime, and chocolate. Perhaps start with one of those.
It’s a no-brainer. From regular digestion to that altruistic feeling that you’re doing something healthy for your body, Amazing Grass Greens Blend is a smart addition to your daily nutrition routine. The efficiency is truly unmatched. One scoop gets you two servings of fruits and vegetables, seven nutritious greens (like wheat grass, spinach, and spirulina), fiber, vitamins, probiotics, and antioxidants.