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Become a Master of Longevity With Andrew Huberman’s Best Book Recommendations

Take a page from the neuroscientist’s book.

Books recommended by Andrew Huberman lined up on green background

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If there’s anyone whose reading list we envy, it’s Dr. Andrew Huberman’s. As a highly acclaimed neuroscientist, he’s got his finger on the pulse of the latest and greatest books on brain health and longevity. While he’s not shy about sharing his favorite reads on the Huberman Lab podcast and his social media pages, racking your brain to remember what they are is often the biggest mind test.

Which is why we did the heavy lifting for you.

Every Andrew Huberman-recommended book offers something for health fanatics, from harnessing your circadian rhythm for optimal well-being to taming your compulsive need for overindulgence. Plus, how to focus without distraction when life demands your complete attention.

If your reading list could use a refresh, check out these book recommendations from Andrew Huberman. You’ll score a fascinating read and uplevel your health at the same time.

The Best Books Recommended by Andrew Huberman

Deep Work

We’ve all been there: You sit down to complete a mentally demanding task, only to get distracted when your phone dings with an alert. Or you suddenly remember that you need to reschedule your dentist appointment. Either way, you’ve gotten off task. Deep Work is here to help. In the book’s first half, Georgetown professor Cal Newport digs into the power of focus. Meanwhile, the second half offers a rigorous training regimen that teaches you how to do deep work for greater results in less time.

Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity

Dr. Peter Attia’s highly anticipated Outlive just hit shelves. In this book, Attia outlines science-driven approaches for living longer—and better. He proposes replacing outdated concepts of mainstream healthcare with personalized, proactive health strategies. Among the topics discussed, Attia explains why cholesterol tests don’t tell you enough about your actual risk of dying from a heart attack, why exercise is your secret weapon for longevitiy, how to personalize your eating pattern, and why emotional health matters.

The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight

For many of us, difficulty sleeping at night, feeling hungry at odd times, and getting fatigued at noon is constant. In The Circadian Code, Dr. Satchin Panda, a leading expert in circadian rhythm research, argues that keeping our sleep-eat schedules (circadian rhythms) in check is essential for overall health. So, if your eat-sleep schedule is in dire straits, Dr. Panda’s got a concrete plan to get you back on track.

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Huberman listed Dopamine Nation among his top three favorite books. In it, psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke argues that living in a time of unprecedented access to stimuli—like drugs, food, gambling, social media, and shopping—that trigger a constant dopamine rush actually leads to pain. (ICYMI: Dopamine is a chemical released in the brain that makes you feel good.) Dopamine Nation is packed with actionable advice to help you find a better balance.

The 4-Hour Body

While The 4-Hour Body is hardly a newcomer, it’s a classic worth revisiting. At least, Huberman thinks so. Authored by Timothy Ferriss, the hefty tome is filled with surprising health hacks, including how to sleep two hours per day and feel fully rested, pack on muscle without spending hours in the gym, and increase your running from 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) to 50 kilometers (31 miles) in only 12 weeks.

Wherever You Go, There You Are

First published in 1994, Jon Kabat-Zinn’s bestselling Wherever You Go, There You Are remains a classic. It also played a role in helping Huberman cultivate his mindfulness meditation practice. In Wherever You Go, There You Are, Dr. Kabat-Zinn, a meditation teacher and professor emeritus of medicine, teaches the foundational principles of mindfulness and offers timeless strategies for incorporating mindfulness into the busiest of schedules. Use it to reduce your stress and find your calm.

About the author

Lauren Bedosky is award-winning health and fitness journalist with bylines in top magazines and websites like Redbook,, Runner’s World, and Men’s Health.