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Does Ashwagandha Really Increase Testosterone Levels?

Can you stoke your T levels with the ancient herb?

Ashwagandha in various forms, including the root, and ground in a mortar with a pestle.

30-Second Takeaway

  • Ashwagandha is a plant that has been used for centuries to promote health, wellness and longevity.
  • Recent research suggests that Ashwagandha may also raise testosterone levels, however more research is needed.
  • Ashwagandha may also help increase muscle mass and improve fertility—symptoms that are commonly associated with low testosterone.

Ashwagandha is a plant known in Ayurvedic medicine for its powerful healing properties. It’s an adaptogenic herb—meaning it boosts the body’s resilience against external stressors—which has been used for centuries to help relieve stress, increase energy levels, and improve concentration and well-being (1). Now, growing evidence suggests that when it comes to men, ashwagandha may have another superpower. A growing body of evidence suggests that ashwagandha can help increase levels of testosterone.

We’ve dug into the science of testosterone and ashwagandha to see if the herb can help you maintain healthy levels of the hormone. We’ll also examine whether the herb can provide benefits like increasing strength and boosting fertility.

Here’s what you need to know about the health benefits of ashwagandha for men.

ashwangandha in two bowls: one ground up, and the other in whole strands of the root.
Photo: Getty Images

What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha—or Withania somnifera—is an evergreen shrub from Asia and Africa commonly used for making your brain and body more resilient to stress.

The herb’s name evokes virility and strength. Sanskrit for “smell of the horse,” its name refers both to the plant’s purported ability to give people who take it the stamina and power of a Triple Crown winner and its smell: fresh ashwagandha root has top notes of an equine stall.

Ashwagandha has been used for more than 2,500 years to treat disease and promote health, wellness, and longevity. But can it help raise flagging T levels?

The idea that taking a supplement can make you like the Man of Steel—impermeable to stress—is appealing, and is supported by some legitimate science. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database says that ashwagandha is “possibly effective” in that capacity—and may be specifically useful in buffering against stress-related weight gain. Clinical studies have also shown that ashwagandha is effective at reducing cortisol (2), the stress hormone.

Does Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone?

Ashwagandha may work in a couple of ways to boost testosterone levels:

  • Curbs stress. High levels of stress hurt your ability to produce testosterone. Ashwagandha lowers cortisol levels, decreasing your stress load (3,4).
  • Increase LH production. Animal studies show ashwagandha improves your production of sex hormones, including luteinizing hormone—a key hormone that triggers your testes to produce testosterone (2).
  • Boosts DHEA-S levels. Research shows that ashwagandha increases DHEA-S, a steroid hormone that converts estrogen into testosterone (5).
  • Lowers oxidative stress. Oxidative stress puts strain on your testicles and may decrease your sperm count, damage sperm DNA, and cause infertility (6). Ashwagandha increases a key enzyme found in all living cells that fights oxidative stress and boosts your antioxidant levels (7).

How Ashwagandha Boosts Testosterone

Though it’s not a slam dunk, there’s reason to be hopeful that ashwagandha may indeed increase your testosterone. One meta-analysis, published in Advances in Nutrition in 2021 (8), looked at four randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled studies on a total of 197 men. Three of those studies showed that supplementing with ashwagandha root or leaf extract for at least eight weeks effectively raised testosterone levels better than a placebo, while one study showed that the herb was ineffective.

What’s interesting about this study is that the researchers reviewed a host of herbs as possible testosterone boosters (including Asian ginseng, Rhodiola, and maca) and only two—ashwagandha and fenugreek seed extracts—were helpful. Researchers suspect that herbals like ashwagandha might counteract inflammation, cortisol production (the stress hormone), and oxidative stress, all factors that may drag down testosterone levels.

In another study, overweight men who took ashwagandha daily for 8 weeks saw a nearly 15% greater increase in testosterone than those who took a placebo, and an 18 percent greater increase in DHEA-S, a sex hormone involved in testosterone production.

Since ashwagandha may boost your T levels, and higher T is linked to a better sex drive, it’s fair to assume that the herb may help with your bedroom mojo—and research backs it up.

A 2022 study shows ashwagandha raised testosterone levels by 17 percent in men with low sex drive (9).

Researchers also found ashwagandha had an 88.5 percent greater probability of improving the DSIF-M sexual health function score (an assessment of sexual thoughts, arousal, desire, and orgasms) of men with low sex drive.

Still, scientists say that more research is needed. They’re not yet sure how quickly ashwagandha works to trickle up testosterone, its long-term effects, and who exactly would benefit the most from the herb.

If you’re suffering from hallmark symptoms of low testosterone—a diminished sex drive, erectile dysfunction, brain fog, fatigue, or loss of strength—and a blood test shows that your levels are lower than they should be, your physician will likely recommend starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

If you’re intrigued by the findings above and are curious whether herbal supplements could also be part of your treatment plan, discuss it with your doctor; you should never add any medication—herbal or prescription—to your treatment arsenal without his or her sign-off.

How Much Ashwagandha Per Day Increases Testosterone?

So, how should you dose your ashwagandha? First and foremost, it’s always a good idea to loop in your doctor before adding a new supplement to your regimen. 

Research suggests that 300 to 600 milligrams (mg) of ashwagandha daily is safe and may lead to a modest increase in your testosterone levels (10). 

Can too much ashwagandha lower testosterone?

Studies show that taking ashwagandha can up your T (8), but taking excessive doses of any supplement has the potential to impact your health negatively—which could have unknown impacts on your hormone levels.

How fast does ashwagandha work for testosterone?

The timeframe for experiencing any potential benefits of ashwagandha supplementation on your testosterone levels can vary from person to person. 

Some individuals may notice changes relatively quickly, within a matter of days or weeks, while for others, it may take longer. In studies that investigated the effects of ashwagandha supplementation on testosterone levels, positive changes in levels were typically checked over several weeks to a few months. 

However, it’s important to note that individual responses can vary based on factors such as dosage, frequency of supplementation, baseline hormone levels, and overall health status.

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Other Benefits of Ashwagandha for Men

Beyond boosting T, ashwagandha may offer other benefits. 

Increased muscle mass

Could ashwagandha give you a leg up in the gym? Possibly (and maybe even literally). The adaptogen has also been popularized as a potential natural antidote for muscle growth and athletic prowess. Recent studies suggest the herb may indeed enhance physical performance (11).

In one study, men—ranging from ages 18 to 50—who took 300 milligrams of ashwagandha root extract twice a day and began resistance training for eight weeks saw greater improvements in muscle mass (particularly in the arms and chest) as well as strength in the bench press and leg extension compared to a placebo group, concluded a randomized controlled trial in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (12).

The group that took ashwagandha also had a greater reduction in body fat percentage and a significantly larger average increase in testosterone levels, with an average testosterone increase of 96.2 ng/dL versus 18.0 ng/dL in the placebo group.

In the study, ashwagandha supplementation was found to increase testosterone, which leads to muscle growth. The herb may also diminish cortisol, something that also stands in the way of strength gains.

As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, ashwagandha also counteracted some of the muscle damage that occurs during exercise, suggesting that it improved recovery, too. And with better recovery, you can get back out to the gym and work hard again.

Another meta-analysis found that taking ashwagandha significantly enhanced VO2 max (13)—the maximum amount of oxygen you can use during intense physical activity—in healthy adults and athletes.

Improved fertility

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, among couples who are having a tough time getting pregnant, there’s a 50 percent chance the man has a fertility problem, such as having too few sperm, they don’t swim well, or being misshapen.

Fertility is a complex issue and there’s no one fix, but researchers are looking into if ashwagandha can support the health of your swimmers.

In a review of four studies looking at men who supplemented with ashwagandha, taking the herb for 60 to 90 days was found to improve semen health, sperm count, and hormone levels, concluded by research in Phytomedicine.

Ashwagandha has antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress, which creates free radicals known to mess with semen and hormone health. And, its potential to de-stress your mind may also help, too.

Help with erectile dysfunction

Given the evidence that testosterone may increase testosterone levels and fertility, it’s only natural to wonder if the herb could help with another common sexual challenge: erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of research on ED and ashwagandha. One trial in 2011 (14) compared ashwagandha and placebo powders in the treatment of ED caused by psychological factors (e.g. stress, anxiety), but the herb didn’t improve performance.

Increased sex drive

Since ashwagandha may boost your T levels, and higher T is linked to a better sex drive, it’s fair to assume that the herb may help with your bedroom mojo—and research backs it up.

When you’re under chronic stress, your body pumps out cortisol. Research shows that in addition to lowering T, high levels of this stress hormone can cause your sex drive to plummet (15). 

Ashwagandha can help dial stress down to a more manageable level. As your stress levels lower, your interest in sex will likely get a boost.

How to Use Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is available in capsule or tablet supplements, powders that you can stir into protein shakes, or coffee, gummies, and tinctures. You can buy it at health stores, pharmacies, and online stores that sell natural supplements.

But keep in mind that dietary supplements aren’t FDA-approved, and aren’t regulated by any governing body. In other words: there’s no guarantee that what’s inside the bottle matches the claim on the label. That’s why it’s critical to get an A-OK from your doctor before taking ashwagandha or any other supplement.

Another reason to get the doc-approved green light? Certain medications may interact with ashwagandha, including those taken for diabetes, high blood pressure, sedatives, thyroid drugs, and immunosuppressants. Safety first.

The best time of day to take ashwagandha

You can take ashwagandha whenever it best suits your schedule. But if you take it in the morning, have breakfast first—especially if you suffer from a sensitive stomach. 

Taking the herb on an empty stomach can lead to stomach upset.

Does Ashwagandha Have Any Side Effects?

If you have certain health conditions, you should move forward cautiously with ashwagandha use—and again, we can’t stress this enough, only with the okay with your doctor—including if you have an autoimmune condition or thyroid disease, according to the National Library of Medicine. Likewise, if you have surgery scheduled, stop taking it at least two weeks before, as it may affect your response to anesthesia. Otherwise, the herb is thought to be safe to take for three months.

Is ashwagandha safe to take for long periods?

While ashwagandha is generally considered safe—if you take the recommended doses for short to moderate periods—there isn’t enough long-term research to definitively say whether it’s safe for extended use over many years. Check in with your doctor frequently if you’re going to experiment with this herb.

The Bottom Line

Some research suggests that ashwagandha can raise testosterone levels in men and help with erectile dysfunction. However, more research is needed. Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplement, including ashwagandha.

About the author

Jessica Migala is a freelance writer specializing in health, nutrition, fitness, and beauty. She has written for O, The Oprah Magazine; Real Simple; Woman’s Day; Women’s Health; Health; Family Circle; and more.