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Does Creatine Make You Gain? Here’s What the Science Says

The most studied supplement around might also be the most misunderstood.

Man drinking creatine from water bottle in gym

When you think supplements, you may conjure up an image of pricey products with hard-to-say names, backed by questionable science. Often called the most-studied supplement there is, creatine is the inverse. But the naturally occurring amino acid that your body stores and uses as an energy source is still widely misunderstood. Questions about its efficacy abound, but the first question asked about the supplement is almost always the same: does creatine make you gain weight? Here’s what the science says.

About the Expert

Adam M. Gonzalez, Ph.D. is a certified sports nutritionist with a research focus on dietary supplements, Associate Professor in the Department of Allied Health and Kinesiology at Hofstra University, and Chief Science Officer of SHIFTED supplements.

Does Creatine Make You Gain Weight?

Most people interested in supplementing with creatine are concerned with the perception that creatine adds significant weight to the body. The short answer to this question is yes, supplementing creatine does cause small amounts of weight gain in most people (1), but the amount is fairly low and the reasons for this weight gain vary.

How much weight does creatine add?

Depending on the bodyweight of the person supplementing creatine, weight added typically ranges between 2 to 4.5 pounds (2). Most of this weight is added in the first week or so of supplementation, often called the loading phase, in which a person will take more than the standard dose of creatine to accelerate the speed at which the effects—mostly just more power and stamina during workouts—take hold. 

Most of the weight gain can be attributed to an increase in stored water weight, which happens because creatine is osmotically active, which is a fancy way of saying it isn’t absorbed into the body easily. It should be noted, though, that the available research isn’t solid on this front—basically, we think creatine may make you carry a tiny bit more water, but we’re not sure.

Does creatine make you fatter?

No, not at all. Trials as brief as a week and as long as two years have all affirmed this simple truth—creatine does not increase fat mass (3).

“Supplementing with creatine monohydrate has shown to promote a greater reduction in body fat percentage accompanied by small additional losses in fat mass,” Gonzalez says. “Overall, creatine seems to have a relatively neutral-to-positive effect on body fat loss. Creatine can, however, help enhance the quality of your workout, which in turn can lead to better body composition adaptations over time.”

Per Gonzalez—and the research—creatine is more likely to result in a net decrease in body fat, as the primary reason a person would supplement it is its workout-boosting effects. A large meta-analysis of creatine supplementation trials that used adults (50 years old and up) as subjects found that creatine supplementation showed no statistically significant difference in fat mass when compared to adults on a placebo substance; in fact, those adults supplementing with creatine saw, on average, a little over a pound of fat mass lost (4).

What to do if you gain weight after taking creatine

If you’re still worried about gaining weight because of supplementing creatine, here are a few ways to decrease the chance of water retention. 

If you’re still worried about gaining weight because of supplementing creatine, here are a few ways to decrease the chance of water retention. 

  1. Lower sodium intake: more sodium makes you retain more water, so if you want to keep that added water weight in check, monitor your daily sodium intake. The best way to keep it down is relatively easy—cut out as many high processed foods as possible.
  2. Lower carb intake: similar to sodium, more carbs also means more water in the body. You need carbs for the energy they provide, but keep the level of carbs you’re eating in check. 
  3. Drink more water throughout the day: consuming more fluids means peeing more, which means you’re shedding excess water. 
  4. Chill out a little: unless you’re competing in weight classed athletics or prepping for the stage at a bodybuilding competition, a couple pounds spread over your whole body will likely not even register for you, visually. Remember: it’s water, not fat mass. You’ll be fine. 

Other side effects of creatine

There are very, very few known side effects to creatine supplementation for men or women, across age ranges, so long as you’re taking regular doses—typically 5g to 10g daily. There has been a number of observational studies that provide anecdotal—and uncontrolled—evidence that suggests creatine may cause mild muscle cramping or dehydration, but thus far clinical trials have not confirmed as much (3).

What Is Creatine?

Creatine is a substance stored in your body that helps it to produce more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which you can think of as gasoline for your cells’ motors. Most creatine is stored in your muscles, with smaller amounts in your brain and testes in men. ATP, the stuff creatine allows you to produce more of, is an energy-carrying molecule that permits cells to function as they’re meant to. So, supplementing your creatine stores daily gives the cells that carry creatine—mostly your muscle cells—more energy. That energy can be put to use and benefit exercise in almost any form (5). 

Why Take Creatine?

Creatine is one of very few verifiably ergogenic supplements—AKA it can make your body perform better in fitness contexts. And if you think we’re just talking about power-driven fitness like football or weightlifting, think again—studies have confirmed creatine may benefit sports and activities as varied as swimming, field hockey, cycling, and more (6).

“Creatine does not interfere with weight loss efforts and will only support energy metabolism and body composition goals. Consuming sufficient protein along with creatine can help maintain muscle mass while cutting fat,” Gonzalez says.

There’s also plenty of reason to believe creatine may be a significant positive for brain health as well

The Bottom Line

Creatine doesn’t make you fat, but you may experience slight weight gain when you first start taking it—usually between 2 to 4.5 pounds, depending on your initial bodyweight. This weight is thought to be water, mostly, and no fat mass.

About the author

Will Price is Hone Health’s Senior Lifestyle Editor. Before Hone he was Gear Patrol’s home and drinks editor.