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Cut Your Gym Time in Half and Boost Gains With This Simple Trick

Eccentric exercise racks up more muscle size and strength in less time. Here’s how.

Tired of spending hours at the gym? A groundbreaking study says you can cut your workouts in half and still increase muscle.

Glad we have your attention.

The research, authored by Edith Cowan University professor Ken Nosaka, found that focusing on lowering weights instead of lifting them— known as eccentric muscle contraction— is more effective for increasing muscle strength and size. Plus, the muscle gains can be made doing half as many repetitions, suggests the study, which was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology (1).

What is eccentric exercise and how to do it? Here’s everything you need to know.

What Is Eccentric Training?

Eccentric training, also called “negative” reps, focuses on the phase of an exercise when your muscles lengthen as they lower the load.

Lowering into a squat, pushing your hips back into a deadlift, or lowering your forearms after the peak of a bicep curl are just a few examples of the eccentric phase in action.

Eccentric contractions increase both concentric (the lifting phase) strength and eccentric strength. This is why doing negative reps of hard exercises like pushups, dips, or pull-ups (i.e. using a box to get to the top of a pull-up position, then lowering yourself until your arms are straight) helps you work up the strength for the real deal.

On earth, gravity constantly exerts a downward force on your body, and eccentric contraction helps you control your movement for stability, mobility, and injury prevention. When you walk or run downhill, for example, your quadriceps eccentrically absorb the shock.

Eccentric contraction takes less muscle activity and energy than concentric movements, even when you’re working with the same amount of weight (2), yet your muscles are stronger when they move eccentrically (3).

What Did the Research Show?

The study divided participants into three groups who performed dumbbell curls twice a week for five weeks. One group performed only eccentric muscle contractions by lowering weights, another performed only concentric muscle contractions by lifting weights, and the third performed both eccentric and concentric muscle contractions by lifting and lowering weights alternately.

The eccentric and concentric lifters saw similar improvements in muscle strength and size but the gains were greater in the first group—despite only performing half as many reps. Concentric lifters saw little improvement.

“This study shows we can be far more efficient in the time we spend exercising and still see significant results by focusing on eccentric muscle contraction,” says Nosaka.

How to Do Eccentric Training

How to incorporate eccentric training into your regimen? Professor Nosaka has some ideas. Using a dumbbell, he recommends using two hands to help with the concentric (lifting) phase, before using one arm for the eccentric (lowering) phase when performing:

You can use the same technique when performing these exercises on weight machines, according to Professor Nosaka:

Nosaka also points out that with the small amount of daily exercise needed to see results from eccentric training, you can easily incorporate it into your everyday routine with these at-home moves.

Complete 10 reps of each exercise. During each rep, feel the contracting muscle being gradually stretched from the start to the end of the range of motion. After each eccentric muscle contraction, minimize your effort to go back to the starting position.

About the author

Sydney Bueckert is a Fitness & Nutrition Editor at Hone Health. She is a qualified fitness instructor with her BS in Exercise Science, C.S.C.S, NASM-C.P.T., C.E.S., F.N.S., and G.P.T.S., who specializes in human performance and corrective exercise.