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High Estrogen in Men: 6 Foods That May Impact It

You might think of it as a female hormone, but estrogen is critical for men’s health.

Man wearing neon yellow shirt stands in front of barbell rack, looking at his reflection in the mirror

When it comes to hormones, you might automatically think of testosterone as the male sex hormone and estrogen as the female sex hormone. There’s some truth to that, of course. But men need it, too, according to urologist and hormone specialist Amy Pearlman, M.D.

Here we dive into the role of estrogen in men, what happens when estrogen is out of balance, and how off-kilter estrogen levels can be treated.

Estrogen is a sex hormone found in both men and women. Among other things, estrogen in men is important for helping regulate sex drive, erectile function, and sperm production.

It all comes down to a delicate balance. Guys definitely need estrogen, but high estrogen in men may promote certain diseases (1). And super-low estrogen in men isn’t great either.

About the Expert

Dr. Amy Pearlman, M.D., is a board-certified urologist and hormone specialist with a sub-specialization in genital and urinary reconstruction, as well as male-specific quality of life concerns. She manages medical and surgical therapies for erectile dysfunction, penile curvature, testosterone deficiency, and genital reconstruction.

Normal Estrogen Levels in Men

According to the Endocrine Society, adult men should have an estradiol level of 10-40 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL) and an estrone level of 10-60 pg/mL.

Is High Estrogen in Men Bad?

It can be, if estrogen levels get too high. In men, testosterone and estrogen have to work in careful balance. Testosterone levels begin to decline around the age of 35, while estrogen levels tend to increase. 

That said, it’s possible to have low T at the same time as high estrogen levels. Only about 20 percent of the estrogen in your body is produced as a by-product of testosterone in the testes. Other tissues, such as fat, produce the rest, which can convert testosterone to estrogen. Visceral fat (fat around the midsection) may drive estrogen production and deplete testosterone, for example.

6 Foods That Raise Estrogen in Men

The following foods all contain estrogen-like chemicals, but that doesn’t necessarily imply they will raise your levels.

Dairy and meat

Researchers of a 2015 review examined whether steroid hormone consumption, specifically estrogen, from dairy and animal-based products had any effects on human hormone levels (2). They postulated that consuming both dairy and meat can elevate estrogen levels in the blood, increasing the risk of breast and prostate cancers. However, the research on whether these foods actually increase estrogen blood serum levels remains inconclusive.

For instance, one older study, published in 2003, on Japanese men found that testicular and prostate cancers increased as consumption of milk, meat, and eggs went up (3). However, the findings from a 2018 review suggest that the amount of estrogen in cow’s milk is so insignificant that it’s not enough to threaten your health (4). More research is needed to understand better if these animal products can impact hormone health. 


Barley, corn, rice, wheat—these are just a few grains that contain lignans or plant compounds that are also known as phytoestrogens (5). Phytoestrogens mimic estrogen found in your body. After your body digests and metabolizes foods with phytoestrogens, the chemical is absorbed by the intestine and sent to the liver. Phytoestrogens circulate in your blood before being excreted through urine (6).

However, because such a small amount of phytoestrogens naturally occur in plant-based foods—compared to how much estrogen the body naturally makes on its own—researchers suggest it’s not a cause for concern (7). In fact, one 2006 study found that a high intake of phytoestrogen-rich foods was actually associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer (8).

Soy products

Soy is a hotly debated topic in the health space. Some sources tout it as a healthy and beneficial source of protein, while others claim it raises estrogen levels. 

In a meta-analysis of 41 clinical studies (9), neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements were found to have negative effects on male reproductive hormones, and neither alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men (10). Furthermore, it was found that soy does not have feminizing effects on men—even at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than typical (11).

Nuts and seeds  

Flaxseed and peanuts are among the richest sources of lignans, or phytoestrogens (6). But once again, the amount of phytoestrogens in these foods is so low that the chemical is unlikely to have an effect on your blood serum levels. In fact, one 2020 review found that flaxseed supplementation actually increased male participants’ total testosterone levels (12). 

Sesame seeds, which also contain phytoestrogens, have also been shown to have a positive impact on male health, particularly, sperm count. One small-scale 2013 study on infertile men showed that consuming sesame every day for three months significantly improved sperm count and mobility (13). 


Certain fruits, including apples, pomegranates, peaches, pears, plums, and berries, contain phytoestrogens (14, 6). Similar to the findings in other lignan-rich foods, fruit likely won’t elevate your estrogen levels. 


The bulbous vegetable that doubles as a spice is a good source of phytoestrogens, but similar to all other foods, you don’t need to worry about it raising your estrogen levels. Especially because older research suggests the amount of phytoestrogens the average American consumes daily is between 0.15-3 milligrams (6). That’s microscopic in the grand scheme of things.

Symptoms of High Estrogen in Men

If a man’s estrogen levels get too high, it can cause a number of symptoms, including:

Erectile dysfunction

Remember, estrogen stimulates nitric oxide production, which is key to being able to get and maintain an erection. However, too-high estrogen levels (especially if they occur alongside low T) can impact your ability to get an erection, according to Pearlman.


Your body needs estrogen to produce sperm but high estrogen in men can slow down sperm production. 


High estrogen can cause men to develop more breast tissue, a condition called gynecomastia, Pearlman says.

Low testosterone

High estrogen in men may further lower testosterone because of the hormone’s impact on something called the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.

The brain’s hypothalamus region produces and secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to produce and release luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

In men, LH triggers testosterone production in the testicles. But excess estrogen may cause trouble along this axis, including impacting T production—again creating a vicious cycle (15).

Other Risks of High Estrogen in Men

An estrogen imbalance may put you at risk for other health concerns as well. 

High estrogen may play a role in the development and progression of prostate cancer (16), according to several studies. It is also implicated in male breast cancer (17). And higher-than-normal estrogen has been associated with an increased risk of blood clots and pulmonary embolism, a clot that lodges in a lung artery and causes a blockage (18).

Why Do Men Need Estrogen?

“Estrogen plays a crucial role in men’s hormonal balance, contributing to bone health, cardiovascular function, and cognitive well-being,” Pearlman explains. 

In men, estrogen exists in two forms, estradiol and estrone. 

Estradiol is the main estrogen in men. About 20 percent of circulating estrogens are produced in the testes by way of an enzyme called aromatase after it breaks down testosterone. Additional estrogens come from the metabolism of T in fat tissue, skin, bone, and the brain (19). Estradiol in men is essential for regulating libido, erectile function, and sperm production.

This type of estrogen is metabolized from androstenedione, mostly in the adrenal glands. Estrone is a weaker estrogen that the body can convert to estradiol when it needs it, so it may play a role in bone health, cognition, and erectile function. 

Brain health

Both men and women have lots of estrogen receptors in the brain. These receptors play various roles in regulating mood, sexual behavior, body temperature, and mental functioning. 

A growing body of evidence supports the idea that estrogen may have protective effects against Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, as well as Parkinson’s. While more studies are needed, research increasingly suggests that estrogen may help stave off some of the effects of brain aging (20).

Sexual function

The delicate balance of testosterone and estrogen is also essential for getting and maintaining an erection.

Estrogen stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for the dilation of blood vessels in the penis.

Research shows that estrogen is involved in sperm production.

Physical health

Estrogen also helps keep men physically healthy. One way it does this: it helps prevent bone loss (21).

One study found that without certain estrogen receptors, abdominal obesity increased, suggesting that estrogen may affect weight and fat formation by regulating energy production.

What Causes Estrogen Imbalance?

Aging can gradually bring about a hormone imbalance. Testosterone levels can generally decrease as men age

At the same time, men tend to lose muscle mass and may gain visceral fat as they get up in years (22). Low T is associated with weight gain and obesity—a problematic cycle (23).

Here’s why: Fat cells have been associated with a high expression of aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. If you gain weight, you likely have more aromatase converting your T into estrogen, which can cause testosterone levels to fall.

That’s why insulin resistance, prediabetes, and Type 2 diabetes are all risk factors for low T and high estrogen for men. All of these conditions drive fat storage, which ramps up estrogen production.

Environmental factors may cause an estrogen imbalance, as well. Every day, we encounter endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from pollution, plastics, herbicides, pharmaceuticals in drinking water, flame retardants in furniture, and coatings on cookware. Even small amounts can be harmful (24).

Research is ongoing in this area, but studies indicate their potential impact on hormones: they may lower T levels, increase or lower estrogen levels, and also may wreak havoc on the HPG axis (25).

Some medical conditions are associated with changes in estrogen, including various cancers and autoimmune disorders. And so are certain medications.

Low Estrogen in Men

Men can have lower than normal levels of estrogen, but it’s typically not something to worry about. However, in some cases low estrogen in men can cause similar symptoms to high estrogen in men, according to Pearlman, including:

  • Cognitive issues
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Excess body fat
  • Infertility
  • Mood issues
  • Loss of bone mass
  • Changes in muscle mass
  • Loss of sex drive

What foods lower estrogen?

Want to lower your estrogen levels? These foods might be able to help:

  • Soy products
  • Cruciferous vegetables (like cauliflower, bok choy, brussels sprouts, and broccoli)
  • Mushrooms
  • Curcumin and turmeric
  • Fiber-rich foods

Testing for High or Low Estrogen

You can test for an estrogen imbalance via Hone’s at-home analysis. It’s as easy as pricking your finger and mailing the sample to an accredited lab to get accurate results and a consultation from a board-certified physician. Your primary care doctor can also test your estrogen levels.

Treating High or Low Estrogen In Men

If a test shows you have an estrogen imbalance, simple lifestyle and diet changes may help. Managing your weight, eating a healthy diet, and limiting alcohol consumption can help you balance out your hormones.

Treating high estrogen

Red meat and dairy may contribute to an increase in estrogen levels, according to a few studies, so it may be wise to eat these in moderation. But more research is needed to determine which foods may raise or lower estrogen.

Sometimes high estrogen requires medical treatment. For example, when excess estrogen causes symptoms such as breast enlargement or tenderness, testosterone replacement therapy can often help. 

In other cases, estrogen excess is treated with medications called aromatase inhibitors (such as Anastrozole), which stop testosterone from metabolizing into estrogen.

Treating low estrogen

Hormone replacement therapy can help treat low estrogen in men if the imbalance is caused by hypogonadism. If a test reveals low estrogen, you can talk to your physician about treatment options.

The Bottom Line

Although estrogen is the dominant sex hormone for women, it’s still crucial for men, in proper balance. An estrogen imbalance may occur because of low T, lifestyle factors like weight gain, environmental factors like pollution, and more.

An estrogen level that is out of the normal range can cause fertility issues, sexual dysfunction, and mood changes. Plus, it may put you at risk for other health issues. If you have concerns about your estrogen levels, get tested and have a consultation with a physician. Often, an estrogen imbalance can be treated so you can get back to better health and feel more like yourself.

Hone test kit

Are Your Estrogen Levels Normal?

Hone’s at-home assessment measures estrogen, testosterone, and other biomarkers to determine if your hormones are balanced. 


About the author

Jennifer Chesak is a freelance science and medical journalist and editor who covers the pandemic, chronic health issues, medical rights, healthcare, and the scientific evidence around health and wellness trends. Her work has appeared in Washington Post, Prevention, Healthline, Health, The Daily Beast, Runner's World, Greatist, Real Simple, and more.