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Avoid These 11 Testosterone Killing Foods

What to keep off your plate to keep your T high.

a grid of sugar cubes on spoons

Does your libido lag these days? Are you unable to find the strength to get up in the morning and build out a great day ahead? Can’t focus on your job or initiate quality time with friends or family? If so, there’s a chance you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism.

What lowers testosterone? Around age 35, men’s testosterone levels naturally begin to drop by around one percent every year. But external factors can cause levels to drop even more. Life’s day-to-day stress does the trick for some people, but so can your diet. Meaning: You may be consuming what can best be described as testosterone-killing foods.

Why Your Diet Can Impact Testosterone

Inflammation, toxin exposure, obesity, and diabetes can cause your T levels to swan dive, and your diet plays a critical role in managing all of the above. The typical Western diet is filled with ultra-processed foods. These foods tend to be high in trans fat, sugar, and calories, and low in essential nutrients. This can impact T levels in two important ways, explains family medicine doctor James Staheli, D.O.

An ultra-processed diet can increase inflammation

Consuming too much sugar and trans fats (fried foods, baked goods, packaged snacks, etc.) can take a hit to testosterone levels. “Both sugar and trans fats have been linked to inflammation leading to a number of adverse male reproductive outcomes including decreased serum testosterone levels, fertility, sperm count, sperm motility, and in extreme cases arrest of spermatogenesis and testicular degeneration,” Stalehi explains.  

According to a 2020 study, (1) men who followed a “Western” diet of red meat, fried foods, high fat, and processed snacks over nine years experienced the most adverse impact on their testosterone and sperm count. In fact, they registered sperm counts up to 42 million lower than those who followed a more prudent diet of fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit, and water.

A lack of essential nutrients can hamper hormone production

Stalehi also points out that ultra-processed foods tend to be less nutrient-dense—meaning they’re high in calories but lack essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. “A diet lacking in essential nutrients can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, including testosterone,” he says.

“A lack of essential nutrients such as zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids can directly impact testosterone production. These nutrients are important for the synthesis and regulation of testosterone in the body,” Stalehi adds. Poor nutrient intake has also been linked to inflammation, weight gain, and obesity, according to Stalehi. “Excess body fat, particularly around the abdomen, can lead to increased estrogen production resulting in decreased testosterone levels.”

About the Expert

Dr. James Staheli, D.O., is the medical director for Broad Health and a family medicine doctor in Atlanta, Georgia. He specializes in hormone treatment for men.

Foods That Lower Testosterone

Specifically, what sustenance can be classified as food that lowers testosterone? We know of 11 that may send your T levels plunging. Swap them out for
testosterone-boosting fare and your T levels will thank you.


1. Soy

Yes, soy products—like edamame, tofu, soy milk, tempeh, and soy protein powder—are nutritionally dense. They’re high in fiber and protein, and cholesterol- and lactose-free. It also generally contains a large volume of phytoestrogen isoflavones, estrogen-like compounds found in plants. But is soy bad for men? Research is mixed.

According to a handful of isolated case studies, soy might negatively impact T levels. For example, men who drank 20 grams of soy protein isolate per day over two weeks had lower T levels than those who drank whey protein isolate or a placebo (2).

However, the large majority of randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses suggest consuming soy does not have a clinically relevant impact on testosterone levels. A 2022 review of 417 observational studies, clinical studies, and systematic reviews and meta-analyses in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition concluded that isoflavone intake did not impact levels of testosterone, estrogen, sperm, or semen in men (3). A 2021 meta-analysis of 38 clinical studies came to the same conclusion—even when eaten long-term (4).

Still, if you’re concerned about your hormone levels, it’s probably best to not go overboard on soy products.

2. Dairy

Think twice before you help yourself to that cheese platter or glass of milk. Several studies indicate that dairy products can lower testosterone levels (5). Pregnant female cows are the primary source of milk that’s produced and sold commercially, and their milk is filled with estrogens and progesterone. Those hormones adversely affect testosterone by suppressing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which men need for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH). When they’re not released, your testes can’t synthesize testosterone.

If you can’t give it up, Stalehi recommends limiting yourself to one to two servings of dairy a day. Go with low-fat or skim, and make sure it’s fortified with vitamin D, which is good for your testosterone.”Organic or grass-fed dairy products may offer added health benefits as they typically contain higher levels of nutrients and are produced without the use of hormones or antibiotics,” he says.

3. Alcohol

An occasional drink won’t necessarily give your hormones a hangover. However, if you like to frequently imbibe, your testosterone could plummet.

Extensive research suggests that too much alcohol consumption impedes the functionality of your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes (6). Like with dairy, the hypothalamus can’t release GnRH, the pituitary gland can’t release FSH and LH, and your testes can’t produce testosterone.

A recent report (7) suggests T levels can drop as quickly as three days with daily alcohol consumption, and dip to those mirroring alcoholic males after 30.

Besides being a testosterone killer, overconsumption of alcohol is linked to a host of health problems. The bottom line: Moderation is key, so drink responsibly.

4. Baked goods

Who doesn’t love a good cookie or loaf of bread, especially straight out of the oven? Sadly, many baked goods are high in trans fat—which has been associated with a decline in T levels. According to a 2017 study (8), subjects who ingested trans fat-rich foods had 15 percent lower testosterone levels than those who avoided them.

Baked goods like pastries, danishes, pies, and other sweet treats are also high in sugar (more on that below), making them a double whammy for T levels.

5. Sugar

Sugar is already associated with a ton of health issues, yet according to the American Heart Association (9), the average American male ingests about 17 teaspoons of sugar daily—nearly double the recommended limit. Unfortunately, having a sweet tooth could cause your T levels to plummet.

“Consistent high sugar intake eventually leads to high insulin levels, insulin resistance, visceral fat accumulation, an increase in proinflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress, and elevated estrogen levels. This inflammatory response affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis thus lowering concentrations of testosterone production,” explains Stalehi.

One study documented that males 19 to 74 experienced as much as a 25 percent drop (10) in testosterone levels after eating sugar, with levels remaining low for up to two hours. Sugar-sweetened beverages—like soda and energy drinks—may be particularly bad for testosterone. One study found that sweet drinks were associated with low T levels in 59 percent of subjects (11).

6. Mint

Spearmint and peppermint have long been lauded as herbal remedies for stress, digestive issues, and sinuses. Unfortunately, some animal research indicates that when it comes to testosterone, mint might not be helping.

According to an animal study (12), the testosterone levels of rats that were regularly given peppermint or spearmint tea declined in comparison to a control group that received drinking water. Another study found that spearmint induced oxidative stress in rats, resulting in decreased testosterone (13).

More research on humans needs to be done. Until then, may we suggest you spice up your daily routine with some ginger tea? Especially since ginger is known for boosting testosterone production (14).

7. Trans fats

We’ve already touched on some of these since they’re key ingredients in several aforementioned testosterone-killing foods, but it’s worth expanding on the topic that trans fats can be disastrous for your hormones.

Though there are natural traces of trans fat in meat and dairy, you’ll find an overabundance of them within fast, fried, and processed foods. The list of health risks associated with those foods is vast: Including inflammation and low T (15). “Chronic inflammation has been linked to lower testosterone levels, as it can disrupt hormone production and signaling pathways. Inflammation can also negatively impact the functioning of the testes, which are responsible for testosterone production,” Stalehi says.

8. Vegetable oils

Many vegetable oils are hydrogenated to improve foods’ taste, texture, and shelf-life. They’re also dense with polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). PUFAs are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which are considered healthy when consumed in moderation. The problem? Commercial vegetable oils—including canola, corn, cottonseed, palm, peanut, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oils—are used in cooking so many foods it’s easy to over-consume them.

According to Stalehi, it comes down to the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3’s in your diet. “The desired ratio of Omega-6:Omega-3 is 1-2:1. Studies suggest that people who follow a typical Western diet may consume a ratio around 20:1. An imbalance of this ratio can eventually lead to an inflammatory process resulting in a hormonal imbalance.”

Too much omega-6 can not only decrease testosterone production, but it can also reduce testicular size and function (9), and increase inflammation in the body (16). “The cumulative inflammatory response is the key factor that influences testosterone levels. Consistently consuming foods with high ratios of Omega-6 to Omega-3 can drive the inflammatory response,” Stalehi adds.

9. Nuts

Certain nuts can wreak havoc on your hormones. Nuts have earned a great reputation for containing healthy fats and minerals, but several studies show how nuts high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (17)—including walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, pecans, and almonds—can cause oxidative stress. Which, like other PUFAS might lower your T levels.

If you love snacking on nuts, look to ones that are nutrient-dense and higher in cholesterol- and heart-friendly monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). These include Brazil nuts, chestnuts, and macadamia nuts.

10. Flaxseed

There’s no question that flaxseed offers health benefits such as improving cholesterol levels and digestive health and reducing blood pressure. Too much of it, though, can turn it into a testosterone killer.

Flaxseed is an extremely rich source of dietary lignans. Lignans are plant-based compounds that can cut down total and free T levels (18) and prevent the conversion of testosterone into something helpful; the much-needed androgen dihydrotestosterone. In one small study, 25 men diagnosed with prostate cancer adopted a low-fat diet supplemented with flaxseed, researchers observed significant declines in total and free testosterone (20).

11. Licorice root

Licorice root is different from licorice in the form you’re familiar with in the candy aisle. It’s often used as an herbal supplement, tea, or a beverage sweetener. However, the effect of licorice root on men’s hormones may not be so sweet.

According to a small study, testosterone values in men plummeted by 26 percent (21) after consuming 7 grams of licorice root daily for one week.

Foods That Boost Testosterone

There are plenty of foods that won’t kill men’s T levels; some may even give them a much-needed boost. Then there are foods on the bubble, ones we hear may be bad for our hormones, but we’re not sure yet. We’ve already addressed a few of these, including soy and mint. Let’s tackle a few more and see if we can bust the myths that surround them. Add these to your plate, along with these other foods that every man who wants to maximize his health should be eating.

Do bananas lower testosterone?

Nope, they actually increase testosterone. We’re not sure why bananas get this “bad for your testosterone” vibe. They may not be protein- or healthy fat-dense enough to warrant being their own meal, but they don’t kill your sex drive or break down your muscle mass.

Quite the opposite. Bananas’ chief nutrient, potassium (22), actually promotes testosterone production and firmer erections. The fruit also contains bromelain (23), a slow-releasing enzyme that can increase your libido; tryptophan (24), which boosts the secretion of serotonin, a hormone that can improve your mood, brain function, and sex drive; and vitamin C (25), which helps keep cortisol, aka the “stress hormone,” at bay. And researchers say to let ’em ripen (26) if you want bananas’ nutrient levels to rise.

Does rice lower testosterone?

This is a tough one to answer because it depends on the kind of rice you’re eating. All rice starts out as a whole grain, but when these carbs become refined, more than half of their nutritional value is lost in the process. White rice is a great example, in that the body digests it quickly, prompting an all-too-fast release of sugar. And we all know what sugar can do to your hormones.

There are rice varieties that provide healthier alternatives for you and your testosterone. Studies show that the antioxidant production in cooked wild rice (27) is 30 times greater than that found in white rice. Meanwhile, brown rice is your grain of choice for bone development and muscle contraction (28), since it provides six times more manganese than its wild counterpart. Rice isn’t the only grain that’s good for you—check out which grains are healthiest.

Does coffee lower testosterone?

Again, nope. While multiple studies of caffeine intake show several adverse effects, including heartburn or digestive problems, an increase in blood pressure, headaches, and anxiety, lowering testosterone is not among them.

One 2012 study documented no significant differences in hormone levels after eight weeks. It did uncover, however, that consumption of caffeinated coffee actually increased total testosterone (29) in the study’s male subjects, and decreased their total and free estradiol. A 2018 study (30) was also unable to determine any effects that caffeine intake had on men’s T levels. Until conclusive evidence points to the contrary, feel free to enjoy that cup of Joe. (Just try to keep it to one or two cups a day.)

Do egg yolks lower testosterone?

Not only are they a great source of protein, omega-3s, and Vitamin D, but egg yolks contain cholesterol. According to a 2021 study (31), cholesterol can raise testosterone levels (check with your doctor before adding extra cholesterol to your diet if you have high cholesterol). Bonus: the protein in eggs also helps with muscle building.

Do oysters lower testosterone?

Another no. Research shows that zinc deficiencies can lower testosterone (32) and oysters are high in the important mineral, so eating more of the purported aphrodisiac can help keep testosterone levels balanced. Other types of shellfish contain less zinc than oysters but are still good sources of the mineral.

Does corn lower testosterone?

Corn is a major inflammatory trigger for some people. Corn is low in tryptophan and lysine, and its oils are nearly devoid of the alpha-linolenic acid needed to reduce inflammation. “While corn has many benefits, some of its properties, especially in individuals with corn sensitivities, can increase inflammation, leading to a decrease in testosterone levels,” says Stalehi.

How to Naturally Increase Testosterone

Aspects other than aging and diet can play into how rapidly your testosterone drops: overall health, weight, how active you are, and any preexisting conditions. While you can’t prevent aging, you can take more control over those other factors. If your levels show significant clinical deficiencies, you may need some help in the form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Even then, there are other steps you can take that help naturally maintain good T levels if not even bolster them:

Taking all these steps and still worried that your T levels are too low? The only way to know for sure is to test your T levels. Hone’s at-home hormone assessment is an easy, near-painless way to find out your T levels, and can be the first step in getting treatment if needed.

Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

Think you’re low in T? If your testosterone levels decrease below 300 ng/dL, you’ll likely begin to experience symptoms of low T.

According to James Staheli, D.O., men with low testosterone may experience these common symptoms:

Are Your T Levels Where They Should Be?

Hone’s at-home assessment measures your testosterone levels, along with other biomarkers critical for good health. If your hormones aren’t where they should be, Hone can help.

Order Today

The Bottom Line

No one food is going to singlehandedly derail your T levels, but your overall diet might. In general, the staples of a Western diet—sugar, trans fats, fried and fast food, and ultra-processed foods—are linked to inflammation and weight gain, which are associated with lower testosterone levels. In general, stick to a nutrient-dense, whole foods based diet that emphasizes colorful plates to support testosterone levels and promote hormone balance.

About the author

Mike McAvennie is an editorial director and writer with extensive experience driving original content production on a global scale.