Before and after testosterone replacement therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy

On TRT, I’m a Better Dad and Husband. Here's Why

When my health improved, so did my relationships.

Test Your T Levels

opening Hone's at-home test

Hone tests for and treats low testosterone from the comfort and privacy of your home.

For most of my life, I’ve been a very easygoing person. The guy who’s always laughing and cracking jokes. But just before the COVID-19 pandemic, I started having problems with my mood. My irritability went up and my motivation to do the things I used to find fun dropped. I would spend two hours in the gym four to five days a week, but it wasn’t enjoyable anymore and I wasn’t seeing any gains. I felt like I was forcing myself to go. 

Being active became a chore, whether it was working out or doing activities with my family. But it really hit home when I had no stamina to keep up with my two-year-old daughter, Adeline. I realized something was wrong both mentally and physically, and knew that I had to fix it if I wanted to be the father I promised to be. No one deserves an unhappy parent.

What Led Me to TRT

I did some research online and all signs pointed to the symptoms of low testosterone. I went to my doctor to discuss if low T could be the reason for my lack of motivation and energy. But my visit didn’t go as planned. My doctor was dismissive when I asked for a blood test to check my hormone levels. He said I was too young for any of that to be a concern (I’m 35), and that if I exercised more and got in shape, my problems would disappear. I almost gave up at that point.

A few days after my visit, I was on Facebook and one of the Hone Health ads popped up. I clicked it, read about the company’s approach to hormone optimization, and finally felt some hope. I went to my wife and explained what I was feeling and that I wanted to take the at-home test. It felt so much easier than fighting with my doctor again—with the click of a button the test would be shipped right to my door. So I thought, “Let’s see. Maybe this is what’s wrong with me.”

My T Levels Were Well Below Average

Sure enough, I was right about my hormone levels. The physician I spoke with when my lab results came back told me that my T levels were 199 (ng/dL), when levels of 300 to 1,000 (ng/dL) are considered within the normal range. I was relieved that I finally had an answer.

Checking your T levels is easy with Hone’s at-home assessment. You can knock it out before your AM coffee. 

If you have low T, our physicians can help you find your “after.”

My irritability went up and my motivation to do the things I used to find fun dropped.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Was the Answer

Hone’s doctor put me on a prescription for a once-a-week testosterone injection and one Anastrozole pill to ensure the testosterone wasn’t converted into estrogen once in my system. It may have been a placebo effect, but within a week, I swore I was already feeling a little better. Three months later, I had a follow-up evaluation with my physician, who wanted to see my T levels a bit higher. He kept my dose the same, but split it into twice-weekly injections and added a second Anastrozole tablet to be taken at the same time as my second shot.

It took a while for the irritability to go away, because I believe my body was trying to get used to the testosterone levels. However, after the three-month mark, it started to level out. Since then, I’ve felt 100 percent better.

Amedee Irey


How I Changed After TRT

I’ve been on TRT for about six months, and I have solid proof that my treatment is working: my testosterone levels are in the 900s and I’m feeling more like the guy I know I am.

My motivation returned, and I actually enjoyed being physically active again. I lost 30 pounds. I took up jiu-jitsu, I’m running at least 15 miles per week on my treadmill, and I’m training for a Spartan race. I no longer feel like working out is a chore—I want to do it. I find it fun. And that’s how it used to be when I was younger.

Being on TRT has also drastically improved my relationships. Before treatment, I was irritable and not fun to be around, which affected my wife and daughter the most. Adeline was the whole reason I decided to start this journey. 

My lack of motivation meant I didn’t have the energy to play with her; you just can’t be a good parent when you’re unhappy. But starting TRT brought back my motivation and determination to be the best father and husband I could be. Every day I wake up with the intention to be something Adeline could be proud about. 

And naturally, that also had a positive impact on my relationship with my wife. There’s a saying that goes, “Happy wife, happy life.” I say, “A happy wife gives more loving.” 

I’m nicer to her because I’m happy, which means she’s happier and more loving, too.

Checking your T levels is easy with Hone’s at-home assessment. You can knock it out before your AM coffee. 

If you have low T, our physicians can help you find your “after.”