No, There Is No Specific Frequency for Male Ejaculation
It’s definitely not zero.

It’s definitely not zero.
If you’ve ever perused the r/AskMen subreddit, you’ve no doubt noticed the number of threads about ejaculation frequency. Over 92 percent of American men masturbate (1), with some men indulging just one to two times per week while others get after it five to six times in the same time frame. Some do it in front of the computer, while others opt for a mirror (2).
And they’re all reaping the health benefits. We’ve previously reported that ejaculating has been purported to help you sleep, boost your heart health, and increase your confidence. It may even increase the intensity of your partner’s orgasms.
But when it comes to releasing sperm, is a higher frequency of ejaculation better? We asked a urologist.
About the Expert
Justin Dubin, M.D., is a urologist from Memorial Healthcare System in South Florida.
“There isn’t a number that is too much or too little,” Justin Dubin, M.D., says. “You should do what you enjoy and what makes you comfortable as long as it is not interfering with your relationships, work, or other aspects of your life.”
The only time you really need to be mindful of how frequently you ejaculate is when it comes to fertility, says Dubin.
If you’re trying to have a baby, shoot for sex every day or every other day to maximize fertility, Dubin says.
One study with participants who had high sperm DNA damage found that ejaculating for four consecutive days reduced sperm DNA fragmentation–high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation have been linked to risks, such as an increased risk of miscarriage (3).
“Holding off on sex until one time a month when your partner is ovulating can decrease your sperm count because you are not ejaculating as much and prolonged periods without ejaculation can cause less than optimal sperm quality,” he says.
Age may play a role in how often you ejaculate. Although, there’s no shame if you’re above or below average for your age group (4):
20–29 years: 15.1 ejaculations per month on average
40–49 years: 11.3 ejaculations per month on average
50–59 years: 9.4 ejaculations per month on average
60 years or older: 5.0 ejaculations per month on average
The good news: There’s no reason to abstain from masturbation. The better news: There could even be health benefits to ejaculating frequently.
Yes, it may. According to a study from Harvard University a high ejaculation frequency was linked to a decreased prostate cancer risk in their subjects: Participants who ejaculated 21 times a month or more, compared to subjects who reported 4 to 7 ejaculations per month across their lifetimes, had a lower risk of prostate cancer by about 31 percent (5).
But don’t go marking up your day planner, says Dubin. “Scheduling sex makes it less fun and a lot more stressful,” he says.
Plus, there are a multitude of factors—including weight, diet, genetics, and if you engage in habits like smoking—that determine whether you’ll develop prostate cancer.
“Ejaculating 21 times a month really will not be the way to prevent prostate cancer,” says Dubin. “It’s just something to consider, but overall there are too many other factors involved to say that more frequent ejaculation will prevent you from ever getting prostate cancer.”
Sex is inherently exercise. And exercise increases nitric oxide production, which improves blood flow to your entire body, including your penis.
During sexual activity, you also release endorphins—“feel good” hormones—that can help counter depression and anxiety.
Anxiety and depression can cause your heart rate and blood pressure to rise. This reduces the flow of blood to your heart and increases levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. According to the American Heart Association, over time these effects can lead to heart disease.
Dubin says that, again, there’s no specific number to aim for, but he points to a study in the American Journal of Cardiology that found that participants who only had sex once a month or less were at a significantly higher risk for cardiovascular disease than subjects who had sex two or more times a week (6).
You’ve seen the trope play out on TV more times than you can count: A couple has sex. The guy finishes. Then, he rolls over and falls into a deep snooze. Turns out, there is some truth to that.
According to one 2019 study, there’s a link between masturbating and better sleep quality and latency (how fast you’re able to fall asleep) (7).
There is no hard-and-fast rule on number of ejaculations in a day, as the number is totally dependent on numerous factors—age, sexual function, libido, and overall healthfulness all included.
For instance, men in their 20s tend to have sex 80 times per year, while those in their 60s have sex around 20 times per year (8).
A sufficiently young and healthy man could ejaculate more than five times in a day without much issue if they were motivated enough; older men with longer refractory periods—the “cool down” period when your penis is unable to become erect again after coming—and generally lower libidos will have lower daily maximum ejaculations (9).
While there are no health risks associated with ejaculating, there may be disadvantages of releasing sperm daily by hand. Like any behavior, masturbating can become compulsive in rare cases, which can impact other areas of your life.
To say semen retention is popular is a serious understatement. Dubin, lead author in a study published in 2022 in the International Journal of Impotence Research, found that semen retention had over 1.2 billion impressions on TikTok and over one million posts on Instagram (10).
One of the biggest claims from No Fap proponents is that putting the kibosh on ejaculation raises testosterone—a myth that experts have debunked.
“You don’t ejaculate testosterone out of your body,” says Dubin.
Men continuously produce sperm throughout their entire life, Dubin says. “Sperm quality may decrease with age, but you will always produce sperm,” he says.
Although men make millions of new sperm every day, the quality of sperm may see a significant decline between 40 and 80 years old.
Your body reabsorbs unejaculated sperm. There’s no health benefit or detriment to sperm reabsorbing.
There’s no set age at which you stop ejaculating, but factors like erectile dysfunction and low testosterone may become more prevalent the older you get. If you are having trouble maintaining an erection or ejaculating, an at-home hormone assessment can help you figure out what’s going on.
There’s no magic number when it comes to how often a man should release sperm. If you’re actively trying to have children, sex every day or every other day can maximize fertility. Otherwise, fire away on your own schedule—regularly ejaculating may help reduce your prostate cancer risk and improve heart health.