Why Larry Wheels Switched From Steroids to TRT
TRT is the only juice Larry Wheels needs.

TRT is the only juice Larry Wheels needs.
Larry Wheels’ Instagram account—loaded with mind-boggling back squat, deadlift, and bench PRs—is a testament to what the human body is capable of. Creeping up on a 1000-pound deadlift PR is monumental. It’s also not done without a little juice.
In a refreshing twist, Wheels is getting honest about his steroid use.
Below, is everything we know about Larry Wheels’ new regimen, why he stopped taking steroids, and why he switched to testosterone replacement therapy.
TL;DR: not anymore. In a recent YouTube video, 27-year-old Wheels explains he had been on performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) since he was 17 years old.
But when he recently injured his back while training for his 1,000-pound deadlift PR he realized steroids were actually increasing his risk for further injury and damage.
“When you’re on cycle [of steroids], you can get away with a lot, you can make mistakes, you can get a bit lazy,” Wheels says.
He decided to stop using steroids in the hope that it will make him a better overall lifter. “It will force me to be more disciplined,” he says.
One of the consequences of using anabolic steroids for so long: when you come off them, your body can’t produce testosterone on its own. Wheels says that’s what happened to him. Without testosterone, his body can’t recover, build, or maintain muscle mass. Bad news for a professional powerlifter.
His solution: switching to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the therapeutic provision of testosterone that can help him achieve normal T levels.
Wheels is starting with 175 mg of TRT a week, noting that’s “on the higher side of being a natural healthy male in his prime.” He plans to get blood work done and work with his doctor to adjust as needed.
What’s the difference between anabolic ‘roids and TRT?
Anabolic steroids can boost muscle mass and athletic performance. They often contain hormones such as testosterone, human growth hormone, and insulin.
TRT, on the other hand, is prescribed to treat hypogonadism, where the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone on its own. The goal: administer just enough T to bring your body’s levels to a more natural state.
Illegal steroids give your body way more T than it can naturally produce. Too much testosterone too often can lead to serious health issues, such as kidney problems, liver damage, high blood pressure, enlarged heart, changes in blood cholesterol, and an increased risk of blood clots (1).
Wheels knows the drop from steroids to TRT will be a big shift, but he’s ready. “I don’t know what I am capable of off-cycle, but seeing what I’m capable of on TRT is more of a priority to me now,” he says.
Checking your T levels is easy with Hone’s at-home assessment. You can knock it out before your AM coffee. If you have low T, our physicians can help you find your “after.”