a couple sits on the edge of a bed, tying their gym shoe laces before a workout

The 7 Best Mattresses for Muscle Recovery, From $350 to $3,000

Get more out of your sleep.

It’s no surprise that a good night’s sleep is important for anyone and everyone, regardless of your age, job, or activity level. But for athletes and other physically active people, a restful night’s sleep is crucial. Whether you’re a marathoner, weightlifter, or just enjoy the occasional spin class, you know how much waking up achy and tired can impact your athletic performance.

That’s where the following seven mattresses come in. Some were specifically designed to aid athletes in recovery, but all mattresses earn high marks for enhancing performance levels from side sleepers, hot sleepers, or those with a base level of back pain. Here are the best mattresses for athletes at every price point, so you can perform your best in serious competition—or just at your weekly gym session.

The Best Mattresses for Muscle Recovery

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