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How Much Rest Is Right For Building Muscle?

Why more isn’t always better.

Man resting after workout

If you’re on the fast track to making serious strength and size gains, the last thing you want to do is slow your roll. Rest may not be sexy, but the gains that come from achieving the right balance of training frequency, volume, and recovery can be. How to find that balance? Here’s the scoop.

If you’re seeking muscle growth, you need to lift heavy. But knowing how often to hit the weights isn’t always straightforward. Recent findings suggest that training frequency (how often you’re working out) matters less for strength and muscle gains than your overall training volume (the sets and reps you’re hitting every week).

How Often Should You Do Resistance Training to See Muscle Growth?

According to one study (1), when training volume remained consistent, there was no significant difference in muscle growth between those who trained at a higher or lower frequency.

Moreover, another scientific review (2) also found no significant difference in muscular strength gains between high-frequency and low-frequency training schedules when the overall training volume was equated.

This means regardless of how many days per week you dedicate towards your gains, as long as you’re hitting the right training volume, you will see the results you’re looking for.

For most people, two to four sessions per week is enough frequency to accumulate the necessary volume, while also factoring in time for muscle recovery. Whether you decide to target your full body in each session or split training into different days for upper and lower body will impact the number of days you decide to train. In general, aim to hit each muscle group at least two times per week.

Training Volume for Muscle Growth

While your training frequency is up to personal preference, your training volume should be specific if you’re looking to see a boost in muscle hypertrophy (muscle gain) and strength.

According to the latest research (3), to maximize hypertrophy, you should develop a routine combining mechanical tension and metabolic stress (4). You can create mechanical tension by lifting a heavy load through a full range of motion, while metabolic stress is all about depleting the energy stores (glycogen) in your muscles through applied intensity.

To maximize muscle growth, follow a hypertrophy-oriented resistance training program. Aim to hit the following per exercise per workout session:

  • 3 to 4 sets
  • 6 to 12 repetitions
  • 30 to 90 seconds rest between sets
  • Moderate intensity effort (67 to 85% 1 rep max)

You’ll want to increase your training volume over time. The appropriate training volume and increasing that volume over time is the primary contributor to building muscular strength (2). That means racking up heavier loads as your body adapts, building your weekly volume within the range of 12 to 28 sets per muscle per week.

Where Does Rest Come In?

Balancing hard work with rest is essential to see gains, and to keep your body healthy to maintain and continue your progress. Here are some benefits of taking a rest day: 

Alleviates muscle pain and soreness

After a workout, lactic acid builds up in your muscles which can cause muscle pain and soreness. During a rest day, your body removes excess lactic acid. 

Repairs and builds muscle 

Exercise, especially heavy strength training, creates microscopic tears in the muscle tissue. During rest days, cells called fibroblasts repair and rebuild your muscle tissue to help your body adapt to better lifting heavy loads in the future. 

Replenishes the body’s energy stores

Glycogen is a form of energy stored in your muscles. When you exercise, glycogen is depleted, which contributes to muscle fatigue. Rest days give your body time to restore muscle glycogen levels. 

Reduces risk of injury 

Exercising puts repetitive stress and strain on your muscles, which can increase your risk of injury. Avoid overtraining by taking time to recover. 

Mental reset 

Overexercising won’t just tire out your body, it can exhaust your mind too. When you’re tired it can lead to lower-quality workouts, increasing the risk of injury. 

How Much Rest Do I Need?

Take at least 48 hours of rest between working the same muscle groups. If you’re a highly active individual, this doesn’t mean you can’t work out every day, but it does mean you need to space out your harder workouts with lower-intensity days.

Rather than taking a complete rest day, consider an active recovery day. You can enjoy low-intensity activities like walking, swimming, or yoga that place less demand on your muscles.

Or space out your intense workouts by breaking up your schedule by muscle groups. For example, focus on your lower body one day, and upper body the next. That way, each muscle group gets a solid amount of rest while you’re working the other.

The Bottom Line

  • Recovery and training volume are essential to making hypertrophy and strength gains.
  • While rest might limit your number of workout days, remember: workout frequency doesn’t matter as much as volume.
  • Focus on hitting your volume with a few high-quality workouts each week.
  • Pair your training with well-deserved rest, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your hypertrophy and strength goals.

About the author

Sydney Bueckert is a Fitness & Nutrition Editor at Hone Health. She is a qualified fitness instructor with her BS in Exercise Science, C.S.C.S, NASM-C.P.T., C.E.S., F.N.S., and G.P.T.S., who specializes in human performance and corrective exercise.