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Amy Capetta


Education: B.S. Exercise Science, Azusa Pacific University

Expertise: Fitness, Nutrition

Amy Capetta has been writing articles on health and wellness for more than two decades. Over the years, her pieces on nutrition, sleep, stress, chronic conditions, weight loss, fitness and mental health have appeared in Woman’s DayFamily CircleParents and Weight Watchers magazines, and on the sites AOLiVillageNBC’s TODAYYahooEveryday HealthWeb MDThe Doctor Oz ShowDr. Oz The Good LifeSharecareSingleCareLIVESTRONGReader’s DigestSELFThe Vitamin ShoppeEat This, Not That!Nutritious Life, Northwell Health’s The Well and Nike, as well as on multiple outlets for Hearst Magazines Digital Media. She is also a features writer for Health Monitor, a leading healthcare marketing platform that publishes award-winning patient education guides. When Amy isn’t juggling multiple deadlines, she can likely be found power walking, grocery shopping, watching food documentaries or sitting in NYC traffic.

About the Edge

The Edge is an editorial outlet from Hone Health that delivers science-backed, expert-driven content to help you live better for longer. Our content is powered by experienced health and lifestyle journalists and reviewed by members of our Advisory Board, who are notable experts in their respective disciplines, from urology and endocrinology to nutrition and fitness.

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